July 2024

Dear Co-laborers in Christ Jesus the Lord,

I pray that this letter of thankfulness finds you in the wellness of soul and spirit, as Paul says in Galatians, "Standing fast in the liberty by which Christ has made us free."

I desire to express my heartfelt gratitude for continually showing your love for the Lord and this ministry through your encouragement, prayers, and support. I realize your love for the Lord and His gospel compels you to be purposeful and passionate about reaching others with His truth.

For this reason, your partnership reminds me of the descriptive words found in God's word: "Because of the hope which is laid up for you in heaven." The Lord is marvelously using you to enable this ministry to fulfill this assignment.

During this time of significant burdens, heartache, and uncertainty, our hope in the Lord Jesus stands firm. Honestly, I do not remember a time when so many people were encumbered with numerous life issues hitting them at the same time. Whether it be with families, small class settings, churches, our country, or other countries worldwide, a shaking appears to be occurring. However, our hope is in the Lord Jesus. His eternal work, His ways, cannot be shaken. As we often sing, "My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweet frame but wholly lean on Jesus' name."

In writing the newsletter, I am attempting to convey some of the ways the Lord continues to use this ministry in the lives of others, thereby putting your prayers and support into action. Because the Lord continues to open the doors for this work, I have the privilege of gaining first-hand information about many happenings in the states and worldwide. The ministries we have committed to supporting and using our materials update us regularly. Many of them are also experiencing these spiritual shakings.

I readily admit when examining and pondering over these occurrences; I thought it was just my thinking, viewing things through the prism of grieving the loss of my precious husband. Then, I considered that my age-accompanied grief was the main culprit of what was happening. After all, many in our family and circle of friends seemed to be battling health issues, loss of loved ones, problems with rebellious children, and financial issues. But these things are happening with intense frequency among the old and the young. For this reason, learning of other countries' news verifies the world's shaking. But our God is allowing this shaking to expose our need for Him in all of our living, whether here or abroad. Our sovereign God is our hope.


 I will give you a sampling, on overview, of some things occurring that, unfortunately, is not well covered in most news outlets. Some of the shakings occurring is fueling sparks of war in many countries. The unrest from broken promises from officials has caused rioters to fill the streets with much harm-taking place. Other countries are experiencing significant inflation, that is causing hardships and producing extraordinary needs in the face of what was already a dire situation. Of course, when inflation grows, supplies will grow increasingly limited and unrest ensues.

Several countries are experiencing a long season of droughts, while a neighboring country has been saddled with many weeks of intense and destructive flooding. These hardships wreak havoc not only on the people they are ministering to, but also, upon their own families.

One family ministering in a high-crime area of his country faces ongoing persecution. (This is not an anomaly, it happens frequently among many of our workers). This family is regularly threatened and warned of retribution by the enemy for preaching the gospel. I know you will agree that it is one thing for you to stand up in the face of persecution, but when they threaten your family, it is another level of concern.

Others of our faithful partners are suffering from serious health issues and grieving the loss of loved ones. Almost all continue to ask for prayers for their lost families to come to saving faith. Still others serve in helping orphans, the poor and the homeless that they care for with limited resources and space.

However, these men continue to set their affections on things above in every situation. They are persevering in the faith. Their hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ. They are building upon a firm foundation.

Amid all of these various shakings, the Lord is at work. As usual, the Good News is when they report these happenings; they remain focused on what the Lord is doing in them and through them, not on the disturbances themselves. They recognize God allows these things and that they can only shake what He has not built. Their hope is in our God, who saves to the uttermost.


Our Lord is always carrying out His Father’s plan and purposes.

The Lord is being made known among the nations. They continue to minister to others the power of the gospel.

Using the truth from God's word, the next generation of pastors is being trained and equipped to carry out the Great Commission.

Ministries are multiplying, churches are being built and growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord, and laborers are being sent out into the fields that are white unto harvest.

Almost weekly, new groups have asked permission to train their people with Christ-Centered Evangelism.

In just the last month, Raj Eleazar has traveled to three different cities within India, training new groups of pastors using the material of Christ-Centered Evangelism and Christ-Centered Discipleship.

Moreover, they often testify of God's faithfulness to meet their needs and strengthen their faith through these storms. So, they continue to serve the Lord. Knowing of your faithfulness to stand with this ministry that enables help to be sent to them, they have an endearing gratitude for you. They actually pray for you and me and our nation.


Lastly, dear friends, what is the Lord doing in our areas amid these uncertain times?

Our God is at work! Many individuals and churches are using Ed's teaching material. Several ministries are continually requesting the workbook materials and the gospel tracts that accompany the evangelism teachings.

This ministry posts devotions (taken from Ed's materials) on Facebook five days a week. These devotions are posted on our personal Facebook page, the ministry's Facebook page, and Ed Lacy Ministries.org. This ministry opportunity is reaching many with the truths from God’s Word. These devotions have become a great resource for some and an area of opportunity to invite others to join in. Some of our colleagues copy them and then send them to their contacts as a ministry tool. You are invited to join us. Also, Ed’s sermons are available on our website and sermonaudio.com. These sermons are being heard by many including people from other countries. We often receive notes of thanksgiving for the availability of these resources.

Currently, I am continuing to facilitate the necessary details for the ministry. I teach a weekly Bible class, head up our church's ladies' ministry, and conduct a discipleship class. I also continue to hold Bible conferences and Women's Retreats. However, just because others have asked about this, my ministry is to Women Only. Additionally, to answer some inquiries about the upcoming book, we have yet to receive a release date. We expect its release by late fall.

Already, we are praying that this will glorify the Savior, that many will be edified and equipped with the gospel, and that others may come to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am even praying for the ones at the publishing company readying it for release, will make sure they have been saved by the surpassing power of the gospel. So, in all of these things, I hope you, too, recognize that even though things are being shaken, our God is at work. He is working in them and is using them to draw those who know Him even closer to Him.

 Thank You 

For all the reasons stated and so many more, thank you again for being an important and significant part of whattheLordisdoing. PleaseknowthattheLordsograciouslyusesyourencouragementandhelptobea powerful force that is keeping us moving forward. Paul wrote to the Thessalonians about this kind of impact others had on them. He wrote to acknowledge that the word was being used in their lives to establish and encourage, comfort, and instruct them to walk in holiness, awaiting the return of Christ.

Friends, when this occurs in believers' lives, they willingly and joyfully give of themselves and invest in others who love and share the gospel's good news in this lost and dying world. Paul said, they had encouraged him and the other disciples serving with him. But, note in 1 Thessalonians how important this was for Paul and the other disciples, and for the work God had given them to do. He is saying, (since God is working in and through them), "that no one should be shaken by these afflictions, (by the times of suffering or whatever the Lord allows them to face). Therefore, whatever the Lord may call us to face in the coming days, we can rejoice, for He is our hope. May we be found rejoicing in our God who is our hope, our strength and our refuge!

Your Servants for Jesus Sake,

Dianne Lacy