Our hearts are rejoicing in the special ‘Gospel partnership’ that so many of you have continually demonstrated to our life and ministry. This precious relationship reminds me of the ‘Philippian’s Gospel cooperation and community’, which the apostle Paul enjoyed with that first-century group of disciples! There are so many churches and individuals who regularly tell us that, ‘they are faithfully interceding for these various Gospel opportunities, as well as for us personally’. It is so precious to know that brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus are praying for us and supporting our passion to be ‘channels of blessing’ to literally thousands of foreign pastors and church planters. We are so very thankful that our Lord has brought you alongside of us, to colabor for the great commission and the glory of God! There are three international conferences scheduled for the summer and fall. We deeply appreciate your prayers and support for these conferences; as well as the monthly support, which we provide for many church planters on the field. We love you in the Lord Jesus Christ. May each of us continue to testify concerning the reason for the confidence that we have in Christ.