In Siliguri, there were pastors and church planters in attendance from Nepal, Myanmar (Burma), Bhutan, as well as northeast India! From the first session, I sensed the tremendous hunger, humility and teach-ability of these precious men of God. The following words are just a sampling, out of a stack of "personal testimonies", that speak of the mighty working of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of these pastors and church planters, during this week. Donald shares, "First of all, I want to praise God for the precious opportunity to learn many biblical truths throughout this week! The message of the "Christ-centered Evangelism" was an "eye-opener" for all of us. We were all guilty of following the traditions and techniques of men, that we have now clearly seen were not ordained and authorized by God. But these clear and biblical teachings to "return to the instructional manual of the Word of God and to learn how to do God's work, using God's ordained means, to carry out God's great mission" have absolutely transformed our ministries! One of the most powerful things that I have learned was that I had been guilty of "crossing over the line" into God's territory, by using human methods and manipulation. I was failing to do all that I was responsible to do; and then, to prayerfully wait on the Holy Spirit; and trust him to accomplish what only He can accomplish, in His timing, (which is the heavenly transformation of a lost soul)! Sir, this teaching has truly transformed my life and my evangelism. It has mightily impacted me, in so many ways! The doctrinal foundation was so helpful to realize the true, spiritual condition of the lost people all around us. And then, the call to remind us of "what we can and must do" was personally so powerful to my life”! From this week forward, I am committing to live a "Jesus-centered life"; I am committing to involve my heart and life in passionate, persistent, evangelistic intercession for the sinners, within my sphere of influence. I am committing to be involved in voluntary sacrifice, and even suffering if necessary, for the proclamation and propagation of the message of propitiation; and I am going to equip myself with a message that focuses on the themes that the apostles preached in the book of Acts. A message that declares the Deity of Christ; the holiness of God; the sinfulness of man; the fact that salvation is in Jesus alone; the Lordship of Jesus; the terms of Jesus, to a saving relationship with Him; and the truth that Jesus is the final Judge of those who refuse to come to Jesus on His conditions! Sir, I will plead with sinners and urge them to repent and believe the Gospel. But I will also prayerfully wait for God, the Holy Spirit, to perform the miracle of the new birth; and I will stop stepping across the line into God's territory. I don't want to create any more Ishmaels! I long to see God produce Issacs, using His means, in His timing and for His glory! Sir, your teaching and preaching style has also truly encouraged me to boldly proclaim the message of Jesus with passion, to whomever and wherever the Spirit leads me to go! May God bless you, your ministry and all of those who prayed for you and supported you TO COME TO US! May God give you the grace and health to take this message all over the world!” 

Raj Eleazar, was my interpreter for the week; and also the one who has translated Christ-centered Evangelism into the Hindi Language. Raj shares his heart about the conference in Goa. “I want to thank you for the wonderful deposit that you have placed in my life and the lives of all of the other students. “Christ-centered Evangelism” is exactly what we were needing so desperately. We have been deeply touched by the Word of God; and how God has led you to take this teaching to India. There are many lessons, within this study, that have impacted me during your teaching in Goa, India. First of all, we all were taught that even though we are all called to do God’s work, that the methods don’t matter much. But this week, I have clearly learned, through the Word of God, the vital importance of doing God’s work; God’s way; for God's glory. The lessons are arranged and taught so clearly and consecutively, that it answers not only my doubts, but it answered all of the doubts of all of the students. Also, these teachings have given us a “high view of Jesus” in our ministries and our lives, as the real King and Lord of our lives. I understand that ultimately, salvation is not about me and me going to heaven; but foremost, this majestic plan is all about the Father giving a love gift to His Son Jesus. I'm touched and overwhelmed at how God has worked graciously in my life, to make me a part of that love gift. I also learned how to present a “Christ centered” message to a lost sinner. Previously, I used to start a gospel presentation by asking questions like, “Where will you spent eternity, if you happen to die right now?” Or, “Do you want to go heaven?” My approach was so heaven-centered or man-centered. This was the way that I saw everybody else doing evangelism; and this was the way that men taught us, in these contemporary methods of gospel presentation. But I realized, through your teaching, how wrong I was in the main focus of my message. Although, I was evangelizing with a clear conscience; I was working ignorantly. I have confessed my sins of ignorance to God. But not only me, all of us have repented of our humanly invented methods and felt-need centered messages. This week of teachings was an eye-opener for many of us. I believed God brought you to India, as a channel to reach out with a Christ centered method of evangelism. “Christ-centered Evangelism” was a tremendous blessing to me and for many others in Goa, India. We have accepted the challenge to do God’s work; God’s way; for God's glory. I personally need your prayers to do God’s work, in the manner that magnifies Jesus and glorifies God. Please give my regards to your family, and give a special greeting and love to your wife, who never stopped praying for you and showing you the way of Christ!”

The men in both conferences were pastors, church planters and pastors in training. One of those in Siliguri gave the most precious and amazing testimony of the mighty working of the Holy Spirit, through the Word of truth! Read and be blessed with the mighty activity of God's amazing grace, on the other side of the world! He testifies, “All of this teaching caused me to personally examine my life; look deep into my soul; and examine my own heart! And to my great surprise, I found myself guilty, unrighteous, and a sinner before a holy God! I realized that even though I professed a “type of faith in Christ”, that I was still lost in this world! There was a particular time in one of the sessions, when I came to tears; but I was afraid that others would see me, so I tried not to be spotted. I realized that the Holy Spirit was doing a work of conviction and contrition in me. My heart was shattered in pieces. I had no saving faith in the Lord; and no purpose in my life! But as you continued to teach, the working of the Holy Spirit was mighty in me. Now, I am a true believer in Jesus Christ, with a fullness of joy and saving faith in Christ. I am a born again believer with purpose in my life. God has graced me with a passion and purpose to cooperate with His great mission, for the glory of God! And no matter what circumstances that I walk through, I am assured that God always leads me in triumph in this living union with Christ!”

 Another pastor states, “This Christ-centered Evangelism study has been one of the greatest treasures in my life. God has mightily implanted these truths in my inner being. I have been believing and carrying on in false evangelism. I was ignorantly carrying out false interpretations of passages of scripture, that were causing me to use false methods and ‘out of focus’ messages in evangelism. God has used you to unveil a mystery to me sir; and it has cleared out many paths of deception, concerning the techniques and tactics that I was using. The “heaven-centered” message, that I once considered so important, has become like filthy rags to me. I have come to understand that we are “not to be witnessing unto a place; but we are to be witnesses unto a Person, the Lord Jesus Christ! One of the most vital things that I learned is to proclaim a ‘Jesus-centered message’ and not a ‘heaven-centered’ message. (Continued) And to be faithful to use God’s ordained means to carry out God’s mission; and not invent our own techniques and tactics, that have produced many false professions of faith! It greatly impacted my life, to learn that using human wisdom and human means to attempt to reveal the Gospel, leads to the “deceiving of many souls”! Your teachings have been the greatest opportunities that we have ever known. They have been a tremendous benefit, not only to me; but to all of the others. I am so thankful that God used you to challenge us to do His work; His way; for His glory; and to repent of using humanly invented messages; human gimmicks; and human manipulation. I know that I must change my ways of evangelizing the lost. I understand now that I must do “all that God has called me to do”; but I can no longer be guilty of attempting to cross God’s boundary and attempt to accomplish what only He can accomplish, in His timing! I have learned so many things that I never knew before. I am certain that when I reach home, after this institute, I will teach my church to do God’s work; God’s way; for God’s glory!”

 Then a pastor from the province of Orissa states, “I would like to give thanks to God for bringing me to learn the Word of God. These days have been very precious in my life. Even though I have attended a theological seminary for 5 years, there are many things concerning evangelism that I was totally ignorant of. If I would have not learned from you about doing God’s work; in God’s way, I would have continued to apply unbiblical methods in my evangelistic ministry! I learned so many things this week, that if I tried to write them down, it would take a very, very long time. But from now on, I am committed to do God’s work; God’s way; for God’s glory. I want to thank those who have helped you come here to India to teach these vital truths. I would also like to thank Dr. Ron Herrod for inviting you to teach this essential subject. Please pray for me, as I return to my field of service. 

Of course, I could really take up another newsletter, speaking about our most recent trip to communist Cuba. Bro. Garry Morrison and I had the joy of teaching pastors, church planters, and lay leaders from my workbook entitled, ‘The Biblical Path to an Effective Prayer Life’. The congregation was absolutely gluedin, during every session! There were many times of spontaneous prayer and repentance, after sessions. I was also able to bring the support for the 18 church planters that our ministry and Faith Baptist Church have been supporting, for a number of years. It has been a great joy to invest hundreds of hours of teaching and training, into the lives of the spiritual leaders of the Holguin District of Cuba. We always pray that there will be “much fruit that remains”; from those 30 plus mission trips to the Eastern Baptist Convention!